Felix Enim Sarsah

Data Scientist & Python Backend Developer

Machine Learning Apps

Linear Regression

Finished 13.03.2024 for Github opensource

Using the Machine Learning App, users can explore the Linear Regression Model. This implementation leverages the Ordinary Least Squares() function to construct a linear regression model. By inputting relevant parameters, such as predictor variables and target variables, users can analyze relationships within their data. This intuitive interface facilitates quick model building and evaluation, empowering users to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

See Project
Logistic Regression

Finished 14.03.2024 for Github opensource

The Machine Learning App harnesses the power of the Random Forest algorithm to create predictive models. Specifically, it leverages the RandomForestClassifier() function to build classification models. The application utilizes the Invistico Airline dataset in CSV format for model training. Users have the flexibility to fine-tune hyperparameters, empowering them to optimize model performance. With this app, exploring Random Forest's predictive capabilities is both accessible and intuitive..

See Project
Penguin ML Classification

Finished 15.03.2024 for Github opensource

Welcome to Penguin ML Classification! This app predicts the classes of penguins using Machine Learning. Through an intuitive interface, users can input various features of penguins and receive accurate classification results. Explore the fascinating world of penguins with the power of advanced algorithms and easy-to-understand visualizations.

See Project

Smart Analytics

Netflix Data Analysis

Finished 13.09.2023 for Github opensource

I dived into the world of streaming analytics as I harnessed the power of Python to dissect and interpret Netflix's vast treasure trove of user behavior data, exploring viewing habits, content preferences, and trends to optimize content recommendations and enhancing the streaming experience.

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Smart Tree Analytics

Finished 15.03.2024 for Github opensource

Introducing TreeSight SF, a cutting-edge machine learning application designed to analyze and manage the urban forest of San Francisco. Leveraging the extensive San Francisco Department of Public Works (SF DPW) dataset, TreeSight SF provides comprehensive insights into the city's tree population. The app utilizes advanced algorithms to evaluate tree health, identify species distribution, and monitor growth patterns.

See Project

Django Projects

Authentic Bird Bookproject

Finished 14.08.2023 for Client

The Authentic Bird Book Project is a custom web application developed using Django, designed to showcase various books by the Client. This user-friendly platform is hosted on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) in the cloud, ensuring reliable access and scalability for our client.

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Ecommerce Website with Django

Finished 10.10.2023 for Group Project

This project is an Ecommerce Website done using Django, integrated with Stripe for secure payment processing. It was efficiently managed using Agile(Jira) as the main project management tool, and upon completion, deployed to the cloud for easy accessibility and scalability.

See Project

Felix Enim Sarsah

“The future belongs to those who can see it.”

I have previously worked as a Trained Chemistry Teacher in UK for 7 years. As a trained programmer with a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of technology, energy,and entrepreneurship as the three main determinants of the future path. My journey into the world of programming is driven by a profound vision for the future, where these three pillars converge to create groundbreaking solutions.My decision to learn Python and delve into backend programming signifies a pivotal career shift into the realm of IT.Python, with its versatility and data analysis capabilities in artificial intelligence,has become my tool of choice.

I'm also harnessing the potential of Django for rapid web development, scrapy with pandas for web scraping and data analysis . I bring not only a strong technical foundation but also a mindset that thrives on innovation and problem-solving. My passion for harnessing technology to bridge the gap between energy and entrepreneurship drives me to seek solutions that can propel businesses forward.As I embark on this journey, I am committed to delivering value to future clients and companies. I see myself as a catalyst for technological innovation, capable of developing robust software solutions, data-driven insights, and dynamic web applications that empower businesses to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape. My dedication to continuous learning and adaptability ensures that I stay at the forefront of technologica advancements, making me an asset to any team or project. Together, we can turn ambitious ideas into reality and shape a future where energy, technology, and entrepreneurship converge for lasting success.
